Long long way to the top
Long way down if you fall
And it`s a long way back if you get lost
Long way out to the end
Long way to go to lose your friends
It`s a long way to haul all the traps you`ve trawled
When you could just stop and let go
But you say not now, maybe later
But not now, maybe later
Not now, (you`re only in your way) maybe later
Not now, (you`re only in your way) maybe later
But not now, (you`re only in your way) maybe later
But not now, (you`re only in your way) maybe later
But not now, (you`re only in your way) maybe later
Cause love is tough
When enough is not enough
Not enough
'일상다반사 > 생활정보' 카테고리의 다른 글
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